Book Run!

It’s time to create a quick list of potential purchases this Fall.

My reading style is a bit odd because even though I am in the middle of a series, I tend to intersperse books on different subjects as little breaks. Thus, I am in the middle of choosing what to get, here are my options currently:


Genius:  The Life and Science of Richard Feynman – The epitome of flamboyance and eccentricity, but one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century.

Einstein: His Life and Universe – Need I really explain this option?

Isaac Newton – An in depth look into the beginnings of one of the greatest intellectual minds, ever.

Erwin Schrodinger and the Quantum Revolution –  He’s the father of Quantum Mechanics; it’s a must-read.

In Search of Schrodinger’s cat – I think my bias is showing.

Everything Else.

1Q84  – An epic by Murakami spanning a little over 1,000 pages, I welcome the challenge.

David and Goliath – I want to Malcom Gladwell, I really do, but I probably won’t.


My Barnes and Noble wishlist is hovering right around 100 – needless to say, I’ve left out a few – but, as I stated, this is just a quick review of the books I am considering.




